Our good hearted employees are taking the chance to save lives whilst donating blood whenever it's possible. You know it's not so easy to become a blood donor?

AGroup Traditions #3! Blood donation

AGroup traditions #3! 💫

Our good hearted employees are taking the chance to save lives whilst donating blood whenever it’s possible.
You know it’s not so easy to become a blood donor? 🧐 You have to meet many requirements, for example: weight over 50kg; no travelling for specific countries within last 6 months; no fresh tattoos etc.
However, donating blood is a significant and generous act with a multitude of benefits for both the donor and the recipients.
🩸 Here are some key points about blood donation:
❤️ Saves Lives: Blood donations are crucial for surgeries, trauma care, cancer treatment, chronic illnesses, and emergencies. Each donation can save up to three lives.
🩸Constant Need: Blood has a limited shelf life, meaning there’s a constant need for donations to ensure a steady supply. For instance, red blood cells last for about 42 days, while platelets last only 5 days.
🛟 Universal Requirement: Every two seconds, someone in the world needs blood. Hospitals and emergency services rely on voluntary donations to meet this demand.
⭐️ There are multiple benefits for Donors as well ⭐️
👨‍⚕️ Health Check: Donors undergo a mini-physical that includes checking pulse, blood pressure, body temperature, and hemoglobin levels. This can provide an early warning for potential health issues.
⬇️ Reduced Risk of Certain Diseases: Regular blood donation can help reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer by lowering iron levels in the body, which in high amounts can be harmful.
🙂‍↔️ Sense of Accomplishment: Donating blood provides a sense of satisfaction and altruism, knowing you’re making a tangible difference in someone’s life.
Thank you for our heroes! 🦸‍♀️🦸‍♂️ AGroup is very proud of you!