AGroup and IIG participated in “Payroll in Russia: Opportunities and Perspectives” Conference

June 9, 2009

AGroup and its HRB implementation and support partner in Russia – IIG – participated in “Payroll in Russia: Opportunities and Perspectives” conference. This event, organized by LBS, took place at Daev-Plaza Business Centre on June 9, 2009 with about 70 participants. During the Conference the following issues were considered: outsourcing of payroll calculation and HR management, modern methods and approaches for payroll calculation and management of personnel, as well as solution implementations in the current economical situation.

Info Industries Group ( presented a case study of a geographically distributed implementation of AGropu HRB, featuring a prominent FMCG manufacturer. Representatives of AGroup further participated in round-table discussions.

Marina Klenova, head of HRB practice in IIG, discussed the advantages and features of AGroup HRB. Implementation in the above mentioned company allowed to organize a centralized HR management system in two large manufacturing plants with about 3,000 employees.

In conclusion conference’s participants discussed “Security, Data Confidentiality and Safety During Exchange of Information. Law 152-F3 – Personal Data Protection” issue. Leading Russian and foreign experts also took part in this discussion. The Conference allowed the participants to analyze current and future needs and helped answer questions on using HR solutions for business optimization in the current economic climate.