May 10,2022
The conference hosted by Deloitte brought AI stories from global technology leaders and exiting Baltic startups.
AGroup CEO Alexander Snurnitsyn presented insights into AI empowered HRB Portal advanced workforce scheduling which can potentially solve “nursing” issue by preventing over & under-staffing & by creating cost-effective & compliant schedules that meet needs & fill shifts with employees who are best-suited for a role based on their skill set, work preference and availability — personnel demand accurate forecasting & planning.
Igor Rodin (Deloitte), Nikita Strezhnev (Bolt), Tor Haabrekke (SAP), Alexander Snurnitsyn (AGroup), Ondřej Klement (Logio), Mike Taylor (RELEX Solutions), Karen K. Burns (Fyma) and Helmuts Buls (maxaa) shared their valuable insights and experience.