JSC “Ukreximbank” has successfully completed the project of HR and Payroll System migration to the new version HRB® 3.7.

May 11, 2010

For more than 6 years “Ukreximbank”, which has invariably been in the group of the largest banks of Ukraine, has been successfully solving HR and payroll issues on a bank-wide basis using HRB® software.

In April 2010 JSC “Ukreximbank”, with the involvement of Septima Consulting experts, successfully upgraded to the new version HRB® 3.7 (developed by «AGroup»).

HRB® 3.7 by “AGroup” has an extended functionality in the area of managing organization setup and staff list, administrating data security, improved user interface and some technological improvements.

Within the scope of support agreement, Septima Consulting experts provide technical and functional support to JSC “Ukreximbank” including installation, user administration, database architecture and HRB® software technology. In addition to that, statutory support will be provided for 3.7 version, as regards setting up reporting forms and software calculation algorithms in compliance with the changes of the Ukrainian law.

About JSC “Ukreximbank”

Open Joint Stock Company “State Export and Import Bank of Ukraine” was established on January 3, 1992, pursuant to the Decree No. 29 of the Ukrainian President, and on January 23, the bank was granted its first license by the National Bank of Ukraine.

On May 5, 2009, the decree by the Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers dated April 15, 2009, came into effect. According to this decree, the full name of Ukreximbank was changed from the open joint stock company to the public joint stock company through respective amendments to the Articles of the Bank.

Currently, JSC “Ukreximbank” is a public joint stock company with 100% of shares held by the state represented by the Cabinet of Ministers. The Bank has invariably been one of the largest ones in Ukraine. JSC “Ukreximbank” comprises the Head Office, 30 branches and 95 outlets (as of January 1, 2008) and covers almost all of the Ukrainian territory. Since the day of its founding, the Bank has always been in the group of the largest, systemically important banks of Ukraine having the most distribute network of correspondent banks among the Ukrainian banks (over 800 banking institutions in various countries worldwide).

About Septima Consulting Company

Septima Consulting is a successful Ukrainian company focused on implementation, support and integration of comprehensive IT systems targeted at increasing business efficiency.

The priority business areas for Septima Consulting are: distribution of internationally acclaimed financial and management systems and the services in their implementation and support, in compliance with the requirements of the Ukrainian law, as well as according to customer-specific requirements. A wide product line of the software solutions offered, in particular: the HR management system HRB, the multifunctional financial system Infor FMS SunSystems and the ERP system HansaWord Enterprise enables to use the specific features of various systems to offer the most efficient solutions to our customers.

HRB solutions are currently used by more than 500 companies, in particular: the State Bank of Ukraine “Ukreksimbank”, the People’s Bank of Kazakhstan, the International Bank of Azerbaijan, “Capital” Bank, “Standard” Bank, Moscow Bank, Deutche Bank (Russia), Rietumu Bank, Hipoteku un Zeme, the State Insurance Agency of the Latvian Republic, Sun Interbrew Russia, Sun Interbrew Ukraine, SladCo, Unilever CIS, DHL CIS, Philip Morris CIS and other companies.

About «AGroup» Company

“AGroup” is one of the leaders in the area of HR management and automation of payroll calculation processes in Ukraine, Russia and Eastern Europe. The software developed by “AGroup” allows simplifying and modernizing these processes, enhancing the performance of the hundreds of organizations in 22 of the world’s countries. The products of “AGroup” are one of the first localized solutions for payroll calculation and HR management in Ukraine, Russia and the countries of Eastern Europe. The specialization and expertise of the company’s staff gained over the period of 15 years in the area of HR management and automation of payroll calculation processes have enabled attaining the highest level of professionalism.