Reflecting on the incredible journey I have experienced over the past 12 months as a Marketing Specialist at AGroup, a leading HR software company in the Baltics.

Time flies when you are having fun?

Reflecting on the incredible journey I have experienced over the past 12 months as a Marketing Specialist at AGroup, a leading HR software company in the Baltics.

The 2023 year began with a burst of excitement as the company invited me to a New Year’s trip to Poland. It was a significant event not just for me but for the entire AGroup family. The trip turned out to be a fantastic start to the year, setting a positive tone for the months ahead.

The months ahead were challenging as I was studying about the company and trying to work out an effective Marketing Strategy. Despite my marketing experience, every new position is different and includes its own rules. Happily, Alexander, the CEO of AGroup, has shared his wisdom with me from the very beginning of my journey.

As summer approached, my focus shifted to another event – the Summer Event in Latvia. The event not only celebrated our achievements but also allowed us to enjoy the sunshine and camaraderie. It was a testament to the vibrant culture that defines AGroup.

The pinnacle of my year was undoubtedly the HRB Portal Community Conference, taking place on 26th of October in Great Guild, Riga. It was a project that demanded my full attention, and I dove into the intricacies of event coordination. From securing influential speakers to managing other organisational stuff and ensuring a seamless experience for attendees, every detail was crucial. The conference was a resounding success, attracting HR professionals, industry experts, and users of the HRB Portal from across the region.

As I celebrate my 1-year work anniversary, I can’t help but feel a sense of accomplishment. The milestones achieved, the challenges overcome, and the vibrant community that surrounds me, has made my journey with AGroup truly fulfilling. I am not just a Marketing Specialist; I am a part of a company that values innovation, teamwork and creating experiences.

Looking ahead, I embraced the new year with excitement, knowing that the experiences of the past 12 months had laid the foundation for even greater accomplishments. Now off to work on another grand event of which you can hear in the end of January.

Happy New Year!