Module Performance Evaluation has been released for personnel evaluation - AGroup

Module Performance Evaluation has been released for personnel evaluation

AGroup releases a standard module of HRB Portal – management solution for distributed workforce! Module Performance Evaluation (PE) is now available to all companies.

People are the main asset of any company distinguishing successful companies from outsiders. Personnel evaluation and development issues are on the key agenda of top managers of companies of all sizes and types, regardless of their industry, forms of ownership and geography.

AGroup is pleased to announce the release of module Performance Evaluation for HRB Portal. This module is designed to raise the work of HR managers to a new level. Make the process of setting goals, personnel assessment and competency development more efficient and transparent to all stakeholders.

The functionality of the new module includes:

  • The process of setting goals for the company /business unit and cascading it onto individual employees.
  • The process of contracting business goals and competency development objectives with all staff for a certain period.
  • Evaluation of the results on the basis of evaluation criteria. Using expert opinions (both internal and external experts).
  • Planned and unplanned assessment processes.
  • Reporting set for the managers supporting decision making (including “9 box analysis”)

Like all other modules of HRB Portal, module PE has all necessary tools for configuration and customization to support specific processes for a wide range of companies designed to involve minimal use of human and financial resources.

“In the development of a module Performance Evaluation, we have tried to take into account the experience of large numbers of companies, industry leaders who understand the value of human capital and have extensive know-how in its motivation and development. It is an essential addition to HRB Portal – the management solution for distributed workforce,” – commented Alexander Snurnitsyn, CEO of AGroup. – “I’m sure it will help our clients to develop their competitive advantage and raise the personnel management to a new level”.