May 21, 2014, European Business Association.
At the meeting on Online insurance in Russia the General Director of AGroup Russia – Denis Chalov gave a presentation «NextGen worksite marketing – e-commerce retail sales through the corporate channel».

The first part of Denis’s speech was devoted to the question of efficiency of the traditional worksite marketing for insurance companies.
The traditional worksite marketing (WSM), involving the placement of advertising booklets on the reception desk and message boards and individual meetings with insurance agents in the office, is not as effective anymore as it used to be. There are three reasons for that. First, the offer is not personalized. It targets employees of the Corporation in general, rather than a particular consumer with his life’s events. Generalized offers currently do not work. Second, the very notion of worksite has changed. A huge number of professions and jobs do not need the physical workplace in the office, or do not need an office at all. Workplaces have moved to laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

Third, the traditional worksite marketing is not convenient. Numerous meetings with agents distract from work, cause negative attitude from management and require re-filling questionnaire data and the collection of documents.
How the successful WSM should look?
First, the offer should be personalized, i.e. meet the needs of a particular consumer at a particular time. Second, the offer should be accessible in terms of the channel of acquisition. Third – simple in terms of the mode of acquisition.
Given the realities and trends of today, this means that the worksite marketing must be digital?
Next, Denis presented the audience Digital WSM based on the solution of HRB Benefit Administration – system that we have developed to make people’s lives better.
During the demonstration of HRB Benefit Administration module Denis explained how offers from insurance companies are reflected in the Employee Benefits Centre. He showed which data the insurance company can use to generate personalized offers, what events in the system (for example, an application for a business trip) can automatically include in the Employee Benefits Centre the product offer (e.g., travel insurance) at the exact moment when it is necessary to the client.
And most importantly, it happens simply and unobtrusively at the right time of life of the client.
About AGroup
AGROUP is one of the leaders in human resource management process automation in Russia and Eastern Europe. Company’s solutions streamline and upgrade the processes, maximizing productivity for hundreds of organizations in 24 countries worldwide.
The company’s new product – employee benefit administration system – is a unique innovative solution that does not have analogues in the Russian market that helps to increase personnel motivation and reduce staff turnover.