February 20, 2015 The General Director of the Moscow Office – Denis Chalov together with AGroup client representative – Russian Standard Insurance CEO Anton Kushner gave a presentation “Benefits without costs. Smart way to personnel motivation” during the HR week with Kommersant held on 18-20 February in Моscow, restaurant “Aist”. Presentation was based on AGroup […]
Category: Events
9th Compensation & Benefits Forum 2014 and 15th Russia & CIS HR Directors Summit
September, 2014 The General Director of the Moscow Office-Denis Chalov gave a presentation “No pay needed provide choice. Rules of corporate social policy grammar” during the All-Russia Forum 9th COMPENSATION & BENEFITS FORUM 2014 held on 18-19 September in Моscow, Holiday Inn Lesnaya. During the 15th Russia & CIS HR Directors Summit held on 25-26 […]
RBC Group presented HRB Portal at the 5th All-Ukrainian HR Meeting in Kiev
RBC Group (АGroup partner in Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan) was the IT-partner at the 5th All-Ukrainian HR Meeting which took place on April 24 in Kiev. During the event RBC Group presented HRB Portal (developed by АGroup): a web-solution for HR management designed using advanced internet technologies that make it significantly easier to work with […]
Denis Chalov and Anton Kushner took part in the HR Debates ‘General Manager at the age of 30: is this the future?’
April 24, 2014 Lively debate on the theme ‘General Manager at the age of 30: is this the future?’ took place at the Association of European Businesses Conference Centre. The members of the proponent team were: Denis Chalov, AGroup Russia General Manager, Anton Kushner, Russian Standard Insurance CEO, and Felix Heinicke, Heinicke Consulting General Director. […]
Riddles of motivation where solved by Denis Chalov during the chain of events dedicated to the HR Motivation
April 17, 2014 Marriott Grand Hotel, Moscow. Spring session of HR directors summit ‘MOTIVATION’ 2014. Tools of financial and non-financial motivation’. In his speech ‘Secrets of motivation or survival guide for C&B manager’ Denis Chalov, AGroup Russia General Manager, told about the experience of the companies that forwent the financial motivation of staff that is […]
‘The Benefits Cafeteria. How to create an effective system of flexible benefits?’ – presented by Denis Chalov, AGroup Russia General Manager
April 11, 2014 Holiday Inn Hotel Suschevky, Moscow. 8th COMPENSATION & BENEFITS FORUM RUSSIA 2014 ‘How to maintain and increase the effectiveness of key employees without inflating the budget?’ In his speech ‘The benefits cafeteria. How to create an effective system of flexible benefits?’ Denis Chalov, AGroup Russia General Manager, introduced the approach to creating […]
Denis Chalov and Anton Kushner: an optimist and sceptic discussed a question of introducing a flexible benefit system ‘Cafeteria’ at the Association of the European Businesses conference ‘Modern Trends in HR’
March 27, 2014 During the presentation ‘The benefits cafeteria. Step by step guide of implementing effective flexible benefits system’ Denis Chalov, AGroup Russia General Manager, introduced an approach to creating a flexible benefits system for staff, the main principle of which is allowing personnel to choose their own benefit package. Anton Kushner, Russian Standard Insurance […]
AGroup and SK Blagosostoyanie (Welbi) had business breakfast
March 6, 2014 SK Blagosostoyanie and AGroup hold a collective business breakfast. The event was visited by more than 100 HR departments’ representatives of leading Russian and Western companies: managers in the fields of compensations and fringe benefits, heads of united HR service departments, HR directors. During the first part of the event Aleksey Andreyev, […]
AGroup participated in the IX All-Russia Human Resource Forum
October 31, 2013 The General Director of the Moscow Office-Denis Chalov gave a presentation “Innovative technologies to increase motivation: Theory and Practice”. The core of the presentation was based on AGroup work experience with HR-managers of leading Russian and Western companies – leaders in the field of human capital management, many of them applying solutions […]
AGroup and IIG participated in “Payroll in Russia: Opportunities and Perspectives” Conference
June 9, 2009 AGroup and its HRB implementation and support partner in Russia – IIG – participated in “Payroll in Russia: Opportunities and Perspectives” conference. This event, organized by LBS, took place at Daev-Plaza Business Centre on June 9, 2009 with about 70 participants. During the Conference the following issues were considered: outsourcing of payroll […]