AIG introduces an innovative solution for the Benefits Administration Online

Moscow, 22 August, AIG will present an innovative solution for the benefits administration online: in addition to insurance products the company plans to offer its corporate clients a new free web-based platform for administration of social packages of employees. This platform will allow employers considerably simplify benefit administration processes, including the ones developed on the […]

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AGroup entered into an agreement with UAB Philip Morris Baltic

August 1st, 2013 AGroup entered into an agreement with UAB Philip Morris Baltic on the implementation of the solution “HRB Portal 5.3”. The new solution should improve the efficiency of the procedure of operational and strategic management of working time and absences, as well as improve the reliability of payroll calculations of production and office […]

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Managing production teams with shift schedules by AGroup

AGroup is developing functionality of time management in the framework of the new product release HRB Portal 5.3. We have expanded the capabilities of the system in the area of time management of shifts and team workers – Advanced Time Management (ATM). Functionality is focused both on the manufacturing enterprises, as well as the companies […]

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Multilingual data support in HRB Portal 5.3

AGroup is pleased to announce the addition of multilingual data support in the new version of the HRB Portal 5.3 released on 18.07.2013 Since its first version, HRB Portal supports multilingual interface, allowing users to choose the language of the menu items and different on-screen forms. Besides the multilingual interface, the new version of the […]

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HRB Portal 5.3: New user interface: efficient, intuitive, and user-friendly

During the work on the new version of HRB Portal the user interface (UI) has been completely redesigned, by using the modern developments in Web technology and addressing the needs of the target audience of the product. Redesigned navigation saves the user from having to make unnecessary “clicks” and reduces the total time to search […]

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Benefits Administration for Company “Russian Standard Insurance”

Russian Standard Insurance optimizes its benefits administration process and plans to create the most comfortable and interesting set of benefits programs tailored to the individual needs of each employee, using the offer from Moscow Insurance Company (MSK) and the solution HRB Portal. Russian Standard Insurance – a company with more than 200 people working in […]

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Insurance company “BLAGOSOSTOYANIE” becomes a partner of AGROUP

Insurance company “BLAGOSOSTOYANIE” (previous name Aviva) and AGroup have entered into a partnership agreement, based on which “BLAGOSOSTOYANIE” is expanding its client offering by including into its product line the software for benefits administration from HRB Portal solution family. Thanks to this the clients of IC “BLAGOSOSTOYANIE” will receive a powerful tool for administration of […]

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HRB localization for Estonia completed

AGroup has completed work on HRB localization for Estonia. HRB design and functionality will now fully support tax legislation requirements for Estonia. Adjustments and integration of the system in another country requires responsible approach to auditing of HRB basic system and precisely defining the areas and methods of change. The localization was performed by AGroup […]

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HRB 3.7 additional functionality implemented for SGS

HRB 3.7 additional functionality implementation project is completed for the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company SGS. Company has used Payroll module of HRB 3.7 for many years already and now it has been supplemented with HRB 3.7 extended functionality of HR and Timesheets. The implementation of additional functionality allows SGS to reduce […]

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AGroup releases Benefit Administration module

AGroup announces the release of the administration module of employee benefits packages – HRB Benefit Administration (HRB BA). It is no secret that the benefits package is one of the main tools of motivation of the personnel in the company. According to statistics 68% of employees said that the benefits package affects their decision to […]

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